

Graphic Design and Wayfinding

Penguin Park is named OSO.
The Logo, two O represented the two penguin habitats and
S means the connecting highway between them. Under the logic of the cycle, designed a set of graphic outputs and products for the branding of this architecture, O(Orbit), S(Social), O(Observe)

Penguin Park is large, with a complex circulation system that follows the site’s natural topography. The wayfinding system is fun, intuitive, and easy to navigate. Color-coded signs guide visitors: yellow for sand areas, blue for water zones, and red for visitor spaces, using clear, easily recognizable shapes to enhance accessibility and understanding.

Site: Near Nanjing Train Station, Hongshan Forest Zoo, Xuanwu, Nanjing, China
ARC408 Visiting critic studio: Fall2021_Shanghai Visit Critics
Instructor: Nan Wang
Partner: Weiwei Lei,Nicholas Chung

Penguin Park
Copied in Beijing